So you received an email from Credit Karma which says your email address and password was exposed in data breach. You’re probably wondering what the hell is, as you’ve likely never accessed the website before or have an account with them.

Well, here’s what you need to know about, and proactive measures to take to protect your data.

What is which is actually is a dumping site for hackers and data thieves. After collecting people’s sensitive info through fraudulent means on different platforms, they dump it on the backend of

Unfortunately, the website can’t be accessed by you and I through the frontend, only via the Darkweb. Here’s what the stolen information looks like;

This could be leaked lists of email providers, websites, e-commerce sites, etc. Sadly, the email from Credit Karma doesn’t display the email and password exposed in this data breach.

Where was Your Data Exposed?

The list posted on doesn’t provide information on where exactly the breach happened. However, if your email address was previously leaked, there’s a likelihood that a threat actor has use the address to create an account on a website you’ve never used.

The list could also be a compilation of older breaches.

What to Do About This Data Breach

While we exactly can’t know where your data was exposed, it’s important you take the following steps to protect your data from frauds that might occur due to the leaked data. Since changing all your passwords at a go is quite tasking, here’s what you should do;

Defense in Depth – Add multiple layers of security measures to protect your email account. For example, I personally login to my email account using a Passkey ( Biometric from my finger or my face capture). This is because email accounts is of utmost importance. It can often be used to reset passwords or otherwise hijack any service where you’re using that email as a point of contact.

Treat Emails or Text Messages with extreme Caution – Phishing is one of the top ways scammers are able to commit fraud. When you receive an email or text, ensure you verify the sender address or contact before responding to the email request.

Use a Good Password Manager – Password managers ensure you don’t use one password for more than one service or account. They also suggest passwords with a strong strength in order to fight against brute force attacks (password guessing by attackers).

Embrace two-factor authentication for important accounts – Aside from protecting your email account with multiple layers of security you can do the same for your banking apps, ecommerce accounts, etc. You can either use an authenticator app and/or hardware key such as a Yubikey instead of SMS text message.

The Bottom Line

The reason why you’ve a data breach email is because your personal info (email & or password) was compromised and dumped on Since there’s no way to know the exact account data that was leaked, I’ve provided some steps on how to be protected from  attack vectors arising from data breaches.

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By Judith Davidson

I am Judith Davidson, a Cyber Security Professional. I am the founder, Investigator and Author of I started working as a Cyber Fraud Researcher in 2019 when I saw lots of people falling victims to fraudulent websites pretending to sell disinfectants, masks and wipes during the Covid19 pandemic. Since then, I've saved millions of people from online scams.

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