Have you received an unauthorized charge on your credit card or debit card from Audible? This charge often appears as audible amzn.com/bill nj on bank statements.

There’s no need to panic. This article shed a light on what Audible is, why you’re being charged, and how to cancel Membership/Subscription.

What Exactly is Audible?

Audible is a subsidiary of Amazon. Just as we’ve Prime for movies and documentaries, Audible is a platform that offers podcasts and audiobooks. Founded in 1995, Audible has a large collection of audio storytelling for all age brackets.

Why You’ve a Charge From Audible Amazon

Likely, you’ve a charge from Audible because you’re subscribed to its membership service. There are two membership plans – Audible Plus ($7.95 monthly) and Audible Premium Plus ($14.95 monthly)

Maybe you opted for the 30 days free trial but forgot to cancel subscription before the trial ended. Result; you’ve a charge.

Didn’t Authorize The Charge? Here’s What Happened & What To Do

There are numerous reports from people who got charged by Audible without having an active membership/subscription. This could be as a result of –

  • Someone using your phone to place orders.
  • someone has stolen your credit card information
  • or someone close to you is using your credit card without your permission.

Whatever the case may be, here’s what to do to permanently stop the charges –

Cancel on iPhone and iPad

Follow these steps to cancel subscription on iphone and ipad;

  1. Open The Settings app
  2. Type Your Name
  3. Tap Subscriptions (You would see all the apps you’re subscribed to)
  4. Tap Audible
  5. Tap Cancel Subscription. You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button. If there is no Cancel button or you see an expiration message in red text, the subscription is already canceled.

Cancel the Subscription on Android

  1. Open your Google Play Store app.
  2. Click on Menu
  3. Go to “Subscriptions”.
  4. Tap on Audible
  5. Click “Cancel Subscription”.

What To Do If You’re a Victim of Credit Card Fraud:

Inform Your Credit Card Issuer

Immediately contact your bank and inform them of the fraudulent transaction. You could do this by either reporting the fraud in their app or on their website. If fraud is confirmed, the issuer will likely cancel that card and issue you a new one with different numbers.

Update Your Passwords and Enable Two Factor Authentication

The second step you should take is updating your passwords. Make sure you check all of your other credit card accounts to see if they’ve also been compromised. It’s important to note that, even though only one card may have suspicious charges, you can’t be sure how the fraudster got the information. So make sure you change all of your passwords and PINs just to be safe.

Report the Fraud To Relevant Authorities

Report the scam to relevant authorities and organizations. This includes:

  • Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): If you are in the United States, you can file a complaint with the IC3 at https://www.ic3.gov/.
  • Your Local Consumer Protection Agency: Contact your local consumer protection agency or the equivalent regulatory body in your country.
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB): File a complaint with the BBB if the online store is based in the United States.

How To Avoid Unauthorised Charges on your Credit Card or Debit Card

  • Always Use Secure Websites. Whenever you’re entering your credit card info online, look for “https://” in the web address. The “s” means it’s a secure site.
  • Stay Alert from Phishing: Don’t Click on Links in Suspicious emails.
  • Keep your PIN and passwords super secret. If you must share them, change them after the person is done using them.
  • Be careful with public Wi-Fi when making online purchases or bank transactions. It’s safer to use a secure network.
  • Read the small print (terms & conditions) carefully before entering into any agreement or making a purchase, online or offline, no matter however long this may take.
  • Make sure the terms & conditions box has not been pre-ticked.
  • After shopping or banking online, make sure to clear your browser’s cache. It helps keep your info safe.
  • Sign up for fraud alerts with your credit card company or bank. They’ll notify you if something fishy happens with your account.
  • Before tossing important papers, like bank statements, shred them or burn them to protect your info.
  • If you notice your card missing, tell your bank or creditor ASAP. They can help secure your account.

See Also; 506 PBC charge on Credit Card, Atria Apps Charge on Credit Card Try Weights Charge Pumospeech.com charge on card.

By Judith Davidson

I am Judith Davidson, a Cyber Security Professional. I am the founder, Investigator and Author of Snoopviews.com. I started working as a Cyber Fraud Researcher in 2019 when I saw lots of people falling victims to fraudulent websites pretending to sell disinfectants, masks and wipes during the Covid19 pandemic. Since then, I've saved millions of people from online scams.

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