Everyone around me seems to be talking about Earn Global. While this is not my domain ( I mainly focus on unclear credit charges and everything concerning online transactions). I’ve had a couple of readers shoot me an email requesting my thoughts. Is Earn Global legit or Scam?

I know we all want to make smooth stress-free money. Heck, who doesn’t like the idea of earning from the comfort of home? But seriously, before leaping we ought to look.

Earn Global (earnglobal.co) says you can earn cash on its platform by doing the following –

  • Inviting friends
  • Testing out apps and games

Sounds quite simple, right? I wish it was that easy to make money.

Here’s what I found out about this platform

Is Earn Global indeed Legit?

Curiosity they say, kills the cat. That being said, I decided to sign up on earnglobal.co to see if IT indeed pays. There was a lot of talk, people claiming ‘it paid a friend’, ‘it paid a cousin’, blablabla.

So I signed up with a friend’s referral link, and got a $25 sign up bonus.

Once Login, I started working immediately. The first thing was the referrals, then the offers. There are a handful of levels with lots of games & apps to test out.

After doing the referrals, I got $250 on my balance, then I proceeded to the offers eg – Coin Dozzer, Monopoly, etc.

After I was done with everything, I requested for payout, but interestingly I was told I had to wait for 3 days for verification. Three days later, I was told ‘Cashout’, but I’ve to wait for 14 days before it hits my PayPal, as the payment is on hold.

This is pretty much where it gets interesting, but not surprising.

Was I paid after 14 days? of course not. I still haven’t received anything. I also have not been able to contact them as mails sent to ‘hello@earnglobal.co’ were not replied.

So yeah, just as I had guessed, Earn Global isn’t legit. My experience proves this is another ‘Get Paid To’ scam.

Does Anyone Really Get paid?

So if Earn Global isn’t legit why does reviews and posts say otherwise? Well, If you look closely you’d realize everyone speaking good of Earn Global is actually trying to get you to sign up with their link. This is because they are promised money for every referral they get.

Of course, they don’t get paid in the end. Shamefully, they can’t come out to say it is a scam as they’ve pulled in lots of people who’ve wasted their time for no gain.

Even the videos of people promoting this GPT site is all part of the scam. Most of them are paid actors on Fiverr, who are just doing their job for a few dollar.

Red Flags

One guy on Quora, is misleading people with the claim that Earnglobal.co has been existing since 2022. This is totally false. With my experience in tech and cybersecurity, I am able to discover the domain age of earnglobal.co.

As you can see from the data below, earnglobal.co was actually registered in March 2024. Heck, on the 9th. It’s not even up to a month old. So why take such a young website seriously?

Secondly, on EarnGlobal’s Facebook page, they post images of payments received from users. But the payment proof are fake. The dates don’t correspond with how long the website has been functioning. The one below says the payment was received on March 7th. How possible is that when the Earn Global only started operating on March 9th?

Of course, it is a doctored payment receipt.

I know you want to believe Earn Global is real and pays. You’re probably waiting till April when the 14 days would elapse, so the payment would hit your account. Please bookmark this post. You’ll come back to agree with me that it’s all a scam, as you wouldn’t receive a dime.

Bottom Line

I’ve seen lots of Get Paid For Online Tasks scam in my life time, and sadly EarnGlobal happens to be one amongst the bad eggs. The strategy is always the same – entice people with mouthwatering rewards, delay with payment, and then abscond without paying anyone a dime.

BUT WAIT…….what do these guys earn from this scheme?

They make money by selling your data. For example once you are about to register or SignUp, there’s a fine print that is automatically ticked for you. The image below tells what it says;

Those ‘Partners’ are the people EarnGlobal would sell your information to. This info include your – email address, IP address, browser type, cookies, device type, operating system, buying preferences and online behaviours.

Here’s where I drop my pen, till we meet next time.

I’m always available to chat or consultation via my Facebook page

Meanwhile you can check my latest alerts – Zeeroq.com Data Breach Explainer, MiniPix Camera Reviews.

By Judith Davidson

I am Judith Davidson, a Cyber Security Professional. I am the founder, Investigator and Author of Snoopviews.com. I started working as a Cyber Fraud Researcher in 2019 when I saw lots of people falling victims to fraudulent websites pretending to sell disinfectants, masks and wipes during the Covid19 pandemic. Since then, I've saved millions of people from online scams.

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