In today’s deceptive marketing reveal, we investigated a viral product ‘Mozz Guard’ which is being advertised as a super effective mosquito zapper.

Aside from zapping mosquitoes, the Mozz Guard is said to put an end to all insect bites using its no-spray, scent-free technology.

Lets take a close look at this product; its technology, research, results, and quality.

How The Mozz Guard Works

This repellant device allegedly uses Ultra Violet light to attract mosquitoes and other insects, then zaps them with the electric coil surrounding the device.

Equipped with 12 LED lights, this portable device is said to also function as a bright light for vision, thus doing two things at the same time; zapping insects and illuminating the environment.

The websites selling this product boast that it has the following features –

  • Waterproof
  • Has a Strong battery capacity of 2000mAh
  • Maximum Delivery Capacity of 2000 volts
  • Noiseless and Odorless operation
  • No risk of chemical exposure

Which sounds pretty amazing. However this product has a major loophole.

Does Mozz Guard Mosquito Zapper Work?

Mozz Guard is only effective in getting rid of other flying insects like gnats, moles, etc. The UV light technology used doesn’t appeal to mosquitoes so they can’t be drawn to it and electrocuted. According to scientific research and studies, mosquitoes are not attracted to ultraviolet light in the way that many other insects are.

In 2020, two research student ”Timothy Frick and Douglas Tallamy” from the University of Delaware checked through 14,000 insects killed in six zappers in different spots around Newark, Delaware, and found that only 31 were biting gnats or mosquitoes — that’s less than one-quarter of one percent”.

Worse, the large number of non-harmful insects killed by the zappers can take a heavy toll on the ecosystem.

So what are mosquitoes attracted to? Mosquitoes are very attracted to carbon dioxide, sweat, body heat, and body odor. Mosquitoes can detect the carbon dioxide we exhale, along with the chemicals we release (like lactic acid).

This sweet combination of smells is what truly clues mosquitoes in to humans’ locations.


Lots of people who bought the Mozz Guard have tons left negative reviews on and on Aside from not killing mosquitoes, the Mozz Guard is said to be a cheaply made device. Majority of users complained that the port for charging doesn’t work and the solar panel after a full charge doesn’t last more than an hour.

Tammy Holt, a reviewer on has this to say;

I don’t normally write reviews, but this product is 100% worthless. I would even call a scam. I’ve tried using it the last two summers and has NEVER caught one mosquito despite them flying about. The port for charging doesn’t work and the solar panel after a full charge lasts maybe one hour. Absolutely useless.

Another reviewer on says;

Cheaply made. Claims to have a charge port. It has an door opening for one, however no terminal to plug u.s.b. cord into. Just an empty hole. I have had these things for about 4 day’s and plugged in and on ! And they have not killed not one bug ! Unless it vaporized them but doubt it.

– Denny


  1. It’s easy to use 
  2. Attracts and zaps bugs, midges and gnats
  3. Affordable


  1. Does not attract mosquitoes
  2. Kills very few mosquitoes

Is The Mozz Guard Mosquito Zapper a Scam?

The Mozz Guard is not a scam perse, but it does not really work as claimed. Mosquitoes are not attracted to UV light, so there’s only a slim chance of Mozz Guard actually killing a mosquito.

Because of this, the Mozz Guard isn’t qualified to be called a ‘Mosquito Zapper’ but a ‘Bug zapper’ as it’s only effective in killing other insects.

The manufacturers of this product should consider making the device emit octenol and carbon dioxide which are effective at attracting and killing mosquitoes.

Effective Alternative

The DynaTrap is an effective mosquito zapper as it uses both UV Light and an exclusive Ti02 titanium dioxide-coated surface, which creates a reaction to produce a CO2 trail that mimics human breath and is irresistible to mosquitoes. Once attracted to the unit, the powerful, whisper-quiet fan draws the insects and mosquitoes into the retaining cage where they dehydrate and die, typically within 24 hours.

However, it comes at a high cost of $179 due to its size and features.

See latest alert – Bakerias Email a Scam?

By Judith Davidson

I am Judith Davidson, a Cyber Security Professional. I am the founder, Investigator and Author of I started working as a Cyber Fraud Researcher in 2019 when I saw lots of people falling victims to fraudulent websites pretending to sell disinfectants, masks and wipes during the Covid19 pandemic. Since then, I've saved millions of people from online scams.

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