Sylvester Stallone Reject $500 million from Disney

No, Sylvester Stallone didn’t reject $500 million from Disney for a woke movie. The article circulating online is actually fake. The website that published the news ‘’ actually labelled the article as ‘Satire’. So clearly, Sylvester Stallone the ‘Creed’ and ‘Rocky’ actor did not decline $500 million from Disney or make the statement ”Don’t Want Wokeness In My Life”.

The article which has also appeared on, and is pure satirical fiction written for views. See excerpt below;

In a move that has left Hollywood’s elite clutching their organic, sustainably-sourced pearls, Sylvester Stallone, the man who taught us all to “fight for what’s right” in a boxing ring, has turned down a staggering $500 million movie offer from Disney. His reason? He’s had enough of the “woke crap.” While some might see this as a missed opportunity, others are left wondering if Stallone is just trying to dodge another sequel – this time, one that doesn’t involve boxing gloves but rather a script dripping in political correctness.


Sylvester Stallone did not reject $500 million from Disney for a Woke movie. The article circulating online is satirical in nature, and not real fact.

By Judith Davidson

I am Judith Davidson, a Cyber Security Professional. I am the founder, Investigator and Author of I started working as a Cyber Fraud Researcher in 2019 when I saw lots of people falling victims to fraudulent websites pretending to sell disinfectants, masks and wipes during the Covid19 pandemic. Since then, I've saved millions of people from online scams.

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