Did you receive an email from Autos1000 that says you’ve been featured in the sites listing for local auto and automotive services? Recently, more than hundred people have received the email and are wondering if Autos1000 is scam. Well, the short answer is NO, it isn’t a scam. Read on to find out everything you need to know about Autos1000.

What is Autos1000

Autos1000 (autos1000.com & autos1000.org) claims to be a worldwide directory for finding local autos and automotive services. According to the information on its About Us page, there are more than three million businesses listed on the site, spanning over 241 countries. This looks quite impressive, however it’s quite troubling that they are not popular yet. If indeed they’ve featured 3 million businesses, why isn’t the brand known?

Lets look at their metrics;

Who.is (a domain checker) shows that autos1000.com was registered on May 2022.

Semrush shows their Traffic analytics for 2024 is almost non-existent. The website only had an influx of visits the year it launched.

Certainly, the site is declining.

Is Autos1000 a scam?

Autos1000 isn’t a scam perse, however getting listed on the site isn’t beneficial as only few people use the directory. The directory only had massive traffic the year it launched – 2022. Still, this doesn’t make the site a scam.

Meanwhile, emails from Autos1000 should be treated with caution. Don’t click on any link or attachment in it, as hackers may impersonate Autos1000 and send phishing email. This could lead to potential data leak, ransomware or even malware infestation.


  • No listing fee


  • Used by very few people
  • No information about the owner(s)

See our latest alert – Bakerias listing

By Judith Davidson

I am Judith Davidson, a Cyber Security Professional. I am the founder, Investigator and Author of Snoopviews.com. I started working as a Cyber Fraud Researcher in 2019 when I saw lots of people falling victims to fraudulent websites pretending to sell disinfectants, masks and wipes during the Covid19 pandemic. Since then, I've saved millions of people from online scams.

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