Whether you’re a data entry specialist, a content writer, or someone looking to earn money from home, remote job scams is a fast rising fraud you should be wary of.

There’s no week we don’t receive report of remote job offer scams in my cybersecurity circle. While these scams might be easy to spot as a cybersecurity professional, it’s not the same for untrained eyes.

Often, the job offers look real, even posted on legit Job platforms like Indeed, FlexJob, etc. They might even use the name of a well established company to carry out the scam.

Here are five easy ways to spot fake remote jobs.

1 – Unsolicited Recruitment Text

Received a job offer via WhatsApp, text message or email? There’s a likelihood that it’s a scam, especially if it came from a company you’ve never applied to. For example, I uncovered a job scam that used this tactics – Conformal Medical Fake Job

What’s quite alarming was that the scammers were pretending to be a reputable company. However, when I checked the real company website, there was no job posting for that specific role. So if you got an unsolicited job offer text, it’s 90% scam.

Even if you check online, and see that the position is listed in Job platforms, you need to tread with caution. This is because, scammers often post fake job listings, or use information on legit job listings to lure job seekers.

2- Too Good To Be True Stipend with no Requirements

This is one of the very first red flags. It’s true we all like the idea of being paid high, but when the quoted pay is far above what the industry normally pays, you need to pause. If they’re promising to pay higher than the market rate, tread with caution. Sometimes they might promise unrealistic work hours with no specific skill for huge pay, making the job look irresistible. That’s just a bait with which to entice their victims.

3 – Conducts a Shallow Interview

The interview process is always a dead giveaway. It’s always quick and short, without any depth. Then you’re told you’ve been hired. Most times, the interview is hosted on Signal App or Telegram, via text messages with just an acting HR.

No legitimate business or company would hire an employee without a thorough interview to ascertain if they indeed meet the criteria.

4 – Requests for a Fee

If after the interview and onboarding, you’re asked to pay an amount of money, then it’s a scam. This fee could either be labelled ‘Application fee’ or ‘Upgrade fee’. Whatever name it’s called, legit companies don’t collect money from employees.

5 – Insists you Buy Work equipment from a Chosen Vendor

Another scam tactics used by job scammers is the ‘work equipment’ line. After you accept the fake job offer, the scammers will send you a bad check to buy office supplies for your new job and direct you to a scam vendor.

Even when the check is placed on hold by the bank, the scammers would insist you make the payment from you personal account. Convincing you that the bank would clear the check soon.

But this isn’t true, once you’ve made the payment from your account, the vendor would disappear and the recruiters would cease communication with you.

In the Part 2, I will be explaining what to do if you fell for a remote job scam.

By Judith Davidson

I am Judith Davidson, a Cyber Security Professional. I am the founder, Investigator and Author of Snoopviews.com. I started working as a Cyber Fraud Researcher in 2019 when I saw lots of people falling victims to fraudulent websites pretending to sell disinfectants, masks and wipes during the Covid19 pandemic. Since then, I've saved millions of people from online scams.

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